报 告 人: 小長谷明彦 教授 【日本东京工业大学】
报告时间: 2014年9月23日(星期二)上午10点-11点
报告地点: 校本部东区计算机大楼801室
邀 请 人: 韩越兴 博士
The main challenge for the construction of amoeba-type molecular robots is system integration of molecular components such as molecular sensors and molecular controller as well as molecular actuators in a molecular container. Giant liposome is one of the most promising molecular containers for amoeba-type molecular robots. Molecular sensors include photo-reactors and magnetic field reactors as well as DNA channels for small molecules. DNA logic gates are intensively studied as a molecular controller. A microtubule-kinesin based actuator and an actin filament-myosin based actuator are currently studied.
Professor, Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology Principle Investigator of Amoeba-type Molecular Robotics, A Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas: Molecular Robotics Visiting Researcher, National Institute of Informatics, Japan