报 告 人: Shigeo Kawata(川田 重夫) [日本宇都宫大学 教授]
邀 请 人:张惠然 博士
Ion beam has a unique feature to deposit its main energy inside a human body to kill cancer cells or inside material. However, conventional ion accelerators tend to be huge in its size and its cost. After a brif introduction of laser particle acceleration, a future intense-laser ion accelerator is discussed to make the laser-based ion accelerator compact and controllable. The issues in the laser ion accelerator include the energy efficiency from the laser to the ions, the ion beam collimation, the ion energy spectrum control, the ion beam bunching and the ion particle energy control. In the study each component is designed to control the ion beam quality by particle simulations. The energy efficiency from the laser to ions is improved by using a solid target with a fine sub-wavelength structure or a near-critical density gas plasma. The ion beam collimation is performed by holes behind the solid target or a multi-layered solid target. The control of the ion energy spectrum and the ion particle energy, and the ion beam bunching are successfully realized by a multi-stage laser-target interaction.
川田?重夫教授于1978年毕业于日本新滹大学物理系, 1980年获东京工业大学能源科学系硕士学位,1985年获东京工业大学 (Tokyo Institute of Technology)能源科学系博士学位。毕业后即到日本宇都宫大学任副教授(Associate Professor),并于1999年晋升为教授。自2005年至2011年一直担任IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies 的PSE- Workshop Chair;长期担任日本PSE Workshop组织者;2009年当选为信息处理国际联盟(IFIP)“数值软件工作组”(WG2.5)核心成员(日本仅一名领域专家当选)。并主要承担了多个日本国家级重大项目,其中包括NCAS Project,负责Scientific Program generation support system. The NCAS PSE inputs a problem description, and outputs a program flow, a C-language source code for the problem and also a document for the program;网格计算与云计算,负责Scalable and Portable computing。至今在主流国际期刊和国际会议论文集发表计算科学领域的文章130多篇,出版日文专著14本。他是“问题求解环境”(PSE)及在软件工程、计算物理学等研究方向的国际知名教授。