报 告 人: 胡思钧 高级研究员 [拉夫堡大学电子电器系统工程学院]
报告时间: 2014年9月 9日(周二)9:30~11:00
报告地点: 校本部东区计算机大楼901室
邀 请 人: 杨风雷
Imaging photoplethysmography (PPG) is able to capture useful physiological data remotely from a wide range of anatomical locations. Recent imaging PPG studies have concentrated on two broad research directions involving either high-performance cameras and or webcam-based systems. However, little has been reported about the difference between these two techniques, particularly in terms of their performance under illumination with ambient light. We explore these two imaging PPG approaches through the simultaneous measurement of the cardiac pulse acquired from the face of 10 male subjects and the spectral characteristics of ambient light.
2002—至今 英国 Loughborough University , 光电工程和医疗技术研究组负责人和高级研究员,上海交通大学客座教授,有近70篇国际专著,6项国际专利,创办三个高科技公司。
2009 - 至今 CEO, Ansivia Solutions Limited, UK, 研发智能快速诊断和筛查POCT仪器。
2002—2004 英国 London Business School (EMBA), 高级行理管理包括新技术的创新及其商业活动和管理。
1999—2002 英国 Kalibrant Ltd. 首席科学家和研发负责人,从事高通量体外诊断检测器的开发和生化试剂的应用,并有多项国际专利及实际商业应用。
1996—1999 英国 Loughborough University 理学博士(PhD),从事光电技术在免疫分析上的应用的研究,并有三项国际专利。