
学术报告 - 老年人智能生存环境研究

发布日期:  2010/06/02  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回



Academic Forum on Computer Science and Technology







                 Research on Smart Living Environment for Seniour Citizen

报 告 人:Professor Petri Pulli  (芬兰奥卢大学)

报告时间: 2009年6月5日,下午3:30

报告地点: 上海大学延长校区行健楼707会议厅


l  Enable senior citizens to lead an independent life physical or cognitive impairment, feeling of insecurity, loneliness, dementia


l  Critical analysis and identification of care needs and requirements of senior citizens for living environments.


l  A through understanding of ageing process and adaptation.


l  A framework for behavioral pattern elicitation and process modeling.


l  Establishment of prototype scenarios of daily health monitoring and control activities for senior citizens.


l         Identification possible medical and telehealth care technologies for senior citizens.





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