
学术报告 - A new type of P2P networks --semantic P2P network--VIRGO

发布日期:  2010/06/02  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回



Academic Forum on Computer Science and Technology


特邀报告 第26期(总第102期)


主题报告:   A new type of P2P networks --semantic P2P network--VIRGO

报 告 人:     黄理灿 教授(特邀)

报告时间:   10月 13日(周二)10:00~11:30

报告地点:   上海大学延长校区行健楼707室

Abstract:This talk will introduce a different approach of   P2P networks --- semantic P2P Network--Virtual Hierarchical Tree Gird Organizations (VIRGO).  Other than unstructured and DHT-based structured P2P networks, VIRGO keeps the semantic meanings of the nodes’ roles in the communities. In VIRGO approach, the nodes are identified as domain names classified by the semantic meaning of roles in the organizations. The nodes construct the VIRGO network according to their domains, which form a coalition of vertical virtual organizations.  

This talk will give audience the concepts, framework, protocols about VIRGO, and the benefit of VIRGO approach, especially on distributed complex query by SQL-like statements.


黄理灿,博士 / 教授。 浙江理工大学网络与分布式计算研究所所长。现任IASTED教育技术委员会成员及浙江省企业信息化专家组成员, 浙江省企业CIO联盟副理事长。至今发表论文70余篇,其中Sci/Ei检索文章30余篇。黄教授是国内最早开展e-Science研究的研究人员之一,在国际上首次提出了一种新型的P2P网络——语义P2P网络--VIRGO。

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