
学术报告 - A New Era for Enterprise Solutions with Java EE Technology

发布日期:  2010/06/02  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回


Professor Forum and Doctor Forum of Computer Institute

博士论坛 第36总第121

主题报告 A New Era for Enterprise Solutions with Java EE Technology

高纯俊  博士(特邀)

报告时间   5月 28日(周五)15:00~16:30

报告地点   上海大学延长校区行健楼734


    At the beginning of  his talk, Dr. Gao will introduce the increasing business need for enterprise software solutions  and the advantage of Java EE Technology. A brief review for evolution of Java EE architecture is also presented. Then, Dr. Gao will illustrate how SOA with Java EE Technology looks like, and what we can do on latest cloud computing platforms with it.  Based on his industry experience, Dr. Gao will analyse some sample projects to explain software development process as well. Finally, some opportunities and challenges of enterprise solutions are listed,  and several interesting research topics in this field are highlighted.

    Dr. Chunjun Gao received the B.S. degree from China Institute of Metrology, Hangzhou, China, the M.Eng. degree from Shanghai University, Shanghai, China both in electrical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in 2004 from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, USA,  in computer engineering. From 1997 to 1999, he was an account manager with Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd., Shanghai. Since 2004, he has been a  senior software consultant for financial, e-commerce, and management  services in New Jersey, Northern Virginia, Silicon Valley of California, and Washington DC. His clients include Bank of America, Verizon, Electronic Clearing House Co. Ltd., and GSA (General Service Administration) of U.S. Federal Government etc.


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