

发布日期:  2016/05/18  李成范   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

报 告 人: Wuwei Shen博士[西密歇根大学]
报告时间: 2016年5月 27日(周五)9:30~11:00
报告地点: 校本部东区计算机大楼901室
邀 请 人: 缪淮扣 教授
In this talk, We propose a new static technique, named Lobster (LOcating Bugs using Stack Traces and tExt Retrieval), which is meant to improve TR-based bug localization without the overhead associated with dynamic analysis and repository mining. Specifically, we use the stack traces submitted in a bug report to compute the similarity between their code elements and the source code of a software system. We combine the stack trace based similarity and the textual similarity provided by TR techniques to retrieve code elements relevant to bug reports. We empirically evaluated Lobster using 155 bug reports containing stack traces from 14 open source software systems. We used Lucene, an optimized version of VSM, as baseline to compare against. The results show that, in average, Lobster improves or maintains the effectiveness of Lucene-based bug localization in 82% of the cases.
Wuwei Shen(沈武威) 博士是美国西密歇根大学副教授,主要研究兴趣是软件规格说明和确认、软件建模和软件测试。最近进行医疗设备和军事防御等安全攸关软件的开发与认证。承担了波音公司和美国空军的相关项目。获得美国空军研究实验室和美国国家科技学术的科技奖项。
Wuwei Shen 是中国科学院软件研究所唐稚松院士的硕士研究生、美国Yuri Gurevich 教授和Kevin Compton教授的博士研究生。


