

发布日期:  2019/06/27  周时强   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

报 告 人:Edwin R. Hancock教授







Pattern Recognition was first published in 1968. The first Editor-in-Chief was Robert Ledley, Professor of Biophysics at Georgetown University, Washington. With the publisher Robert Maxwell, Ledley negotiated the publication of a raft of journals in the area of Biomedical Computing, including Pattern Recognition. Ledley was a distinguished scientist who invented the whole body CT scanner, pioneered optical character recognition and was a winner of the National Medal of Technology and a member of the National Inventors Hall of Fame in the USA. He was succeeded by Ching Suen as EiC in 2008 and by myself in 2016. Since its foundation the journal has thrived with growing interest in the field of Pattern Recognition, and in particular recently with the rapid explosion of interest in deep learning. We now have approaching 2500 submissions per year, an editorial board of over 100 associate editors and publish some 400 papers per year. In 2019 we achieved our highest impact factor to date of 5.898. In this talk I will describe some of the history of the journal, present statistics concerning its performance, and describe our editorial policies for selecting high quality papers in the field of pattern recognition.



Edwin R. Hancock教授,任职于英国约克大学,是世界计算机视觉与模式识别领域的著名专家,国际模式识别协会(International Association for Pattern Recognition, IAPR)副主席,IEEE Fellow,IAPR Fellow,IET Fellow,Fellow of Institute of Physics,同时是国际模式识别领域权威期刊Pattern Recognition的主编。曾任IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,Computer Vision and Image Understanding,Image and Vision Computing,the International Journal of Complex Networks等国际期刊编委会委员,BMVC1994大会主席,BMVC2016程序主席,ECCV2006,CVPR2008,CVPR2014,ICPR2004,ICPR2016领域主席。


上一条: 学术报告444:网络结构熵的分析
