

发布日期:  2018/04/24  周时强   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

报 告 人:孔令和 特别研究员

邀 请 人:张涛、刘通
In recent years we have witnessed the rapid development of smart bicycles. For example, Mobike is able to interact with smartphones. As we all known, accurate bicycle localization system is one of the most critical technologies for the development of smart bicycles. However, GPS’s error is at meter-level and it performs poorly under skyscrapers and in tunnels.BikeLoc is a novel and accurate bicycle localization system that can achieve sub-meter location granularity without requiring fingerprinting of the environment. BikeLoc is based on a subtle combination of the wheel of a bicycle and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Wi-Fi devices. The core design of BikeLoc is to leverage three antennas installed on one wheel to emulate large circular antenna arrays using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Previous work on circular SAR is based on the far-field assumption, which means the translation of the antenna array is limited and insignificant compared with the rotation. However, in bicycle’s application scenario, the translation and rotation are simultaneous and comparable. Our core contribution is the ability to perform SAR without the above assumption. We implement BikeLoc on a real bicycle and empirically demonstrate tens of centimeters localization accuracy for 3-D localization.
孔令和博士现任上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系特别研究员,博士生导师。2012年上海交通大学获得博士学位,之后于新加坡科技与设计大学、加拿大麦吉尔大学、美国哥伦比亚大学从事博士后研究。已发表论文60余篇,包括MOBICOM、TMC、TPDS、JSAC等A类16篇,总被引用数900余次,ESI被高引论文2篇。获IEEE ICPADS 2016和EAI CLOUDCOMP 2016最佳论文奖。获中国计算机学会“青年人才发展计划”、“微软铸星计划”、IBM“博士英才计划”等荣誉。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上1项、青年1项,全国博士后基金特别1项、面上1项。担任2个SCI期刊编辑;2个SCI期刊客座编辑;ICDCS,DCOSS,ICPADS,ICC等国际会议TPC 委员20 余次。


下一条: 学术报告387:人工智能平台的搭建环境及系统软件的应用