

发布日期:  2016/04/05  李成范   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

 报 告 人:Professor Yiyu Yao(University of Regina, Canada)报告时间:4月7日(周四)9:30~11:00
邀 请 人:岳晓冬 博士
A trisecting-and-acting model of three-way decisions (3WD) consists of two basic tasks. One task is to divide a universal set into three pair-wise disjoint regions called a trisection or a tri-partition of the universal set. The other task is to act upon objects in one or more regions by developing appropriate strategies. Three-way decisions are a class of effective ways and heuristics commonly used in human problem solving and information processing. In this talk, we will look at the fundamental issues, basic models, and applications of three-way decisions.
Yiyu Yao is a Professor with the Department of Computer Science, University of Regina. His research interests include Three-way Decisions, Granular Computing, Rough Sets, Artificial Intelligence, Web Intelligence, Information Retrieval, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Data Mining. He proposed a theory of three-way decisions, a triarchic theory of granular computing, interval sets, and decision-theoretic rough set models. He published over 300 papers. In 2015, he was selected as a Highly Cited Researcher (Thomson Reuters). In 2014, he received University of Regina Alumni Association Faculty Award for Research Excellence. In 2013, a co-authored paper was included in Frontrunner 5000 (Top Articles in Outstanding Science and Technology Journals of China). In 2010, he received the Overseas Friendship Award, Chinese Rough Set and Soft Computing Society. In 2008, he received PAKDD Most Influential Paper Award (1999-2008).  He is an Area Editor of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, an Associate Editor of Information Sciences, an Advisory Board Member of Knowledge-based Systems, and a Track Editor of Web Intelligence.  He is also an Editorial Board Member of Granular Computing, LNCS Transactions on Rough Sets, International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, and several others.  He is the elected Vice-President of International Rough Set Society.

个人主页: http://www2.cs.uregina.ca/~yyao/

