报 告 人: 刘少英教授[日本法政大学计算机科学系]
报告时间: 2015年7月 27日(周一)9:30~11:00
报告地点: 校本部东区计算机大楼901室
邀 请 人: 缪淮扣 教授
In this talk, a new and practical approach known as testing-based formal verification (TBFV) is first introduced and its application to verifying properties of specifications and programs are then discussed. This approach is expected to strike an effective balance between formal verification and testing by utilizing their advantages and avoiding their weaknesses. The underlying principle is to use well selected data to test whether desired properties expressed as logical formula do not hold and the result can help the developer to determine the quality of the artifact. The biggest advantage of TBFV over the testing and formal verification approaches is the great potential of full automation with the effect of approximation to formal proof in most cases.
Shaoying Liu(刘少英) 教授,日本著名计算机专家,日本法政大学教授,上海大学计算机工程与科学学院客座教授。早年在西安交通大学获得学士和硕士学位,后在英国曼彻斯特大学获得博士学位。现为IEEE计算机学会复杂性技术委员会副主席,IEEE计算机学会、ACM、日本软件科学与技术学会成员。多年来,他在计算机科学的许多领域,包括形式化工程方法、软件开发方法学、软件测试、可靠复杂的计算机系统和智能软件工程环境等方面做出了重要贡献。他在著名国际杂志及会议发表学术论文150多篇,出版研究专著4部,包括在Springer出版了专著《Formal Engineering for Industrial Software Development》。他是国际大会的主席。多次在国内外的多所大学讲学,作学术报告。