
学术报告 - 如何在24小时使用开源ERP5 Health构建一个健康管理的SaaS

发布日期:  2011/10/11  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回



Academic Forum on Computer Science and Technology

特邀报告 第064期(总第181期)

主题报告:如何在24小时使用开源ERP5 Health构建一个健康管理的SaaS
报 告 人:Dr. Jean-Paul Smets , CEO of Nexedi
报告时间:2011年10月 14日(周五)13:00~14:00
邀 请 人:徐炜民 教授

报告摘要:we are going to explain how it is possible to create a complete Health Management service host-ed on the Cloud using ERP5 Health open source ERP. ERP5 Health was initially implemented to manage patient records, stay, payroll and accounting in small hospitals in Africa. It uses a simple model, very close the model of a traditional ERP, to represent patient records in relation with medical services. By combining ERP5 Health with SlapOS and using ERP5 built-in configurator, providing a health manage-ment application to thousands of hospitals becomes a very easy task. Thanks to SlapOS compartment technology, the risk of information leaks can be reduced. Patient record data can be protected.

Biography:Dr. Eng. Jean-Paul Smets is the CEO of Nexedi, an open source software publisher based in France, Japan, Germany and Brazil. After graduating from Paris 6 University, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) and Ecole des Mines de Paris, he worked at the French Ministry of Economy and Industry. He the founded Nexedi and created ERP5, a leading open source. In 2010, after a meetinfg with Prof. Cérin of Paris 13 University, he created SlapOS, a distributed Cloud operating system based on a com-bination of grid computingf and cloud computing in order to offer operational costs 10 to 100 lower to approaches based on server virtualization. ERP5 and SlapOS are now deployed in banking, aerospace, transportation, governement and NGOs. SlapOS is part of numerous Cloud Computing projetcs: COMPATIBLE ONE (France) EASI CLOUDS (European Union and Korea), Cloud Consulting (European Union) and RESILIENCE (France).

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