

发布日期:  2015/05/04  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

报 告 人:Ridha Khedri[加拿大McMaster University, 国家高端外国专家]
报告时间:5月 18日(周一)13: 30
邀 请 人:陈怡海 博士
A common approach to dealing with software requirements volatility is to define product families instead of single products. A product family is represented by an algebraic term over the feature names; it can be manipulated using equational laws such as associativity or distributivity. Initially, only syntactic models of the algebra were considered, giving more or less just the names of the features used in the various products of a family and certain interrelations such as mandatory occurrence and implication between or mutual exclusion of features, without attaching any kind of meaning to the features. While this is interesting and useful for determining the variety and number of possible members of such a family, it is wholly insufficient when it comes to talking about the correctness of families in a semantic manner. In the present tutorial we define a class of semantic models of the general abstract product family algebra that allows treating very relevant additional questions. In these models, the features of a family are requirements scenarios formalised as pairs of relational specifications of a proposed system and its environment formulations.
Ridha Khedri is a Professor of software engineering and a member of the Formal Requirements and Information Security Enhancement (FRAISE) Research Group. He obtained his Engineer Diploma in 1987 from the University of Tunis. He received a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. from Laval University, Quebec, Canada, in 1993 and 1998 respectively. In March 1998, he joined the Communications Research Laboratories of McMaster University as a post-doctoral researcher under the supervision of Prof. David L. Parnas. From December 1998 to June 2005 he was an Assistant Professor at McMaster University. From July 2005 to June 2014 he was an Associate Professor at McMaster University. His research interests include algebraic methods in software engineering, analysis of information security policies and of cryptographic-key distribution scheme, data cleaning, software product families, and formal software requirements analysis. He organized or
served on the program committee of more than 30 conferences and workshops. He is a licensed professional engineer in the province of Ontario. He is amember of the Association for Computing Machinery and the IEEE Computer Society.

