

发布日期:  2014/07/02  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

报 告 人:Shigeo Kawata(川田重夫)[日本宇都宫大学 教授]
邀 请 人:谢 江 博士
I would like to introduce my researches in a compact way on scientific computations for PSE (Problem Solving Environment), Heavy ion inertial fusion and laser accelerated ion for cancer therapy. I started my research on ion beam inertial confinement fusion about 35 years ago to solve our common energy problem. One of the research activities in the inertial fusion was a computational activity, in which heavy and tedious mechanical works were required for the programming. So I started to study a programming support system, which generates scientific programs automatically and mechanically for a specific area in physics. It became a scientific area of PSE (Problem Solving Environment) in these days, and PSE itself is now popular in the scientific computing research field. After that I also started to work on laser particle acceleration.
川田重夫教授于1978年毕业于日本新滹大学物理系, 1980年获东京工业大学能源科学系硕士学位,1985年获东京工业大学 (Tokyo Institute of Technology)能源科学系博士学位。毕业后即到日本宇都宫大学任副教授(Associate Professor),并于1999年晋升为教授。自2005年至2011年一直担任IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies 的PSE- Workshop Chair;长期担任日本PSE Workshop组织者;2009年当选为信息处理国际联盟(IFIP)"数值软件工作组"(WG2.5)核心成员(日本仅一名领域专家当选)。并主要承担了多个日本国家级重大项目,其中包括NCAS Project,负责Scientific Program generation support system. The NCAS PSE inputs a problem description, and outputs a program flow, a C-language source code for the problem and also a document for the program;网格计算与云计算,负责Scalable and Portable computing。至今在主流国际期刊和国际会议论文集发表计算科学领域的文章130多篇,出版日文专著14本。他是"问题求解环境"(PSE)及在软件工程、计算物理学等研究方向的国际知名教授。

