

发布日期:  2014/03/18  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

报 告 人: Qun Jin 教授[日本早稻田大学人类间信息和认知科学系]
报告时间: 2014年3月 26日(周三)14:00~15:30
报告地点: 校本部东区计算机大楼402室
邀 请 人: 缪淮扣 教授
Wireless communication technologies and mobile devices (such as smartphones and tablets) make it possible for anyone to access the Internet from anywhere and connect each other at any time, and emerging ubiquitous and cloud computing platforms empowered by big data analytics make it possible to create individual user models and provide context- and situation-aware individualized services. In the past few years, MOOCs and individualized learning support in ubiquitous networking environments enhanced by social media and services have been attracting a lot of attention. In this talk, we start with introducing the cutting-edge technologies that enable ubiquitous social learning. We present our vision, concept, model, and solution enhanced by MOOCs and learning analytics to deliver adaptive learning as a service that best fits a learner’s need, context and situation. We further discuss issues for design, implementation and applications of such a system to realize ubiquitous social learning.
Qun Jin is a tenured full professor at the Networked Information Systems Laboratory, Department of Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan. He has been engaged extensively in research works in the fields of computer science, information systems, and social and human informatics. He seeks to exploit the rich interdependence between theory and practice in his work with interdisciplinary and integrated approaches. He has published several academic books and more than one hundred refereed papers in journals and proceedings, including ACM and IEEE Transactions. His recent research interests cover ubiquitous computing, human-centric computing, human-computer interaction, behavior and cognitive informatics, big data analytics, user modeling, information search and recommendation, e-learning, e-health, and computing for well-being.

