
学术报告257-iWorld: 一个可自定制的个性化信息服务平台

发布日期:  2013/10/24  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

报 告 人:Qing Li(香港城市大学)
邀 请 人:骆祥峰 研究员
报告摘要: As we’re entering into the so-called Clobile (Cloud + Mobile) era, software leasing has become one of the most popular business models for the current SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) paradigm. Because software services under the SaaS model are for the general public hence of general-purpose, such service software can not be "downsized" easily according to individual company’s internal requirements, thus increasing the unnecessary cost and complexity in using them. In this talk, we describe a solution called iWorld Enterprise e-Palm Platform which is based on the Clobile technologies. This platform implements, among other features, the ability to dynamically self-customize service software, thereby satisfying various personalized needs imposed by different enterprises. So far, the iWorld platform has been on-line, with several small and medium enterprises being the pilot-users; initial feedbacks from them have been encouraging and quite positive.
报告人简介: Qing Li is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science, and concurrently the Director of MERC -- a newly established Research Centre at City University of Hong Kong where he joined as a faculty member since Sept 1998. He received his B.Eng. from the Hunan University, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Southern California (Los Angeles), all in computer science. His research interests include database modeling, Web services, multimedia retrieval and management, and e-learning systems. He has authored/co-authored over 300 publications in these areas. He has been actively involved in the research community, and is serving/has served as an editor of several leading technical journals such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), World Wide Web (WWW), and Journal of Web Engineering, in addition to Conference and Program Chair/Co-Chair of numerous major international conferences including ACM RecSys, ER, CoopIS, WISE, PAKDD etc. Prof. Li is a Fellow of IET (UK), and a senior member of IEEE (US) and a distinguished member of CCF (China). He is also a Steering Committee member of ER, ICWL, DASFAA and U-Media

