
学术报告219- 大数据应用中的高性能网络技术

发布日期:  2012/05/28  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回

    Advanced network for big data applications
人:赵志明博士[ 阿姆斯特丹大学,荷兰 ]
报告时间:5 31日(周四)15: 00

     Brief Biography:
    I am a researcher in the group of System and Network Engineering (SNE) at University of Amsterdam. I studied in Nanjing Normal University (1989~1993, NJNU), East China Normal University (1993~1996, ECNU) for a bachelor and master degree respectively. I obtained a Ph.D. (2004) from University of Amsterdam (UvA).
I have strong research interests in advanced computing and network technologies, and in utilising those technologies in different application fields. I have focused on the subject of e-Science Workflow management systems and network QoS during the past years. Using software agent technologies, I developed an integration framework called the VL-e workflow bus for collaborative computing among different workflows, and tools for network resources selection and provisioning in the context of e-Science workflow. Currently, I focus on the interoperability among different advanced infrastructure, and seek for suitable service model for virtualized resources.
    My research interests include e-Science workflow management, advanced network, Cloud computing, things of internet, distributed interactive simulation systems and e-Science, and I have involved in a number of EU and Dutch funded projects, such as Envri, CineGrid, Geyses, CrossGrid and VL-e.

