

发布日期:  2011/12/08  刘华   浏览次数: 部门: 未知   返回


Academic Forum on Computer Science and Technology

特邀报告 75期(总第197期)

人:Professor Yike Guo(帝国理工大学,英国)
报告时间:201112 13日(周二)11:0011:45
报告地点:上海大学 延长校区 科技楼8楼报告厅
人:张武 教授

报告摘要:Developments in pervasive sensing, large-scale modelling, new analytical and optimisation techniques and web services technologies offer a new wave of opportunities to re-think an integrated urban infrastructure. Also, new markets for digital services will grow from the ability to integrate, analyse, model, and act upon data from multiple sources. Making this happen in reality also requires progress in the understanding of business models, consumer behavior at a systemic level, and the prototyping of service innovation to accelerate the development of financially viable new services. Digital City Exchange is a major UK digital economy project at Imperial College aiming to create understanding at each stage in this chain, and to examine the benefits of digitally linking utilities and services within a modern city. In this talk, I will introduce the project and present the research themes and agenda of this project.

BiographyDr. Yike Guo is a professor in computing science in the Department of Computing, Imperial College London. His research is in the areas of large scale scientific data analysis, data mining algorithms and applications, parallel algorithms and cloud computing. During last 10 years, he has been leading the data mining group of the department to carry out many successful research projects, including some major UK e-science projects such as: Discovery Net on Grid based data analysis for scientific discovery; MESSAGE on Wireless mobile sensor network for environment monitoring; BAIR on System biology for diabetes study. He is the Principal Investigator of the Discovery Science Platform grant from UK EPSRC and he is also the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of InforSense Limited, an Imperial College spin-out company on enterprise platform for business and scientific intelligence.

